Download the GrapevineQUEST app

To run a grapevine quest scavenger hunt you need the grapevineQUEST app

To run a grapevine quest scavenger hunt an organizer will buy a themed ready made scavenger hunt of his or her choice. Once ordered the event manager will get a link to a personal setup page where teams are created. The event manager will follow and interact with the participant through this webpage.

The participants in the scavenger hunt need the grapevineQUEST app. Each participating team needs one smartphone per team with the app installed.

To start the quest the team simply scan a customized QR-code, generated by the organizer on the setup webpage.

The app is free to download and is available for android and iOS.

Download the grapevineQUEST app here:

Android app Google Play>>

iOS app App Store / iTunes>>

scavanger hunt app